Winter Maintenance Tips for Boats

Feb. 25 2020 Miscellaneous By ___

To enjoy the perfect cruising experience, your boat needs to be in perfect condition, and the first step to achieve this is through regular maintenance. Winter is a good time to get started with the preventative maintenance of your boat so that it’s ready to go when the weather starts to warm up again. If you need professional boat service or repair, visit Thayer's Marine in Norwich, Connecticut.

Change Fluids and Filters

There are a few important maintenance steps you’ll need to perform before storing your boat for winter, which will start with changing the oil and oil filter. Routine oil changes are the key to the proper upkeep of your vessel as they keep the motor running well. If you live at a place with freezing temperatures, you should use antifreeze in the cooling system. Flush the cooling system with a freshwater rinse and then circulate the antifreeze until it drains out of the exhaust.

During cold weather, your boat sits for an extended period so oils and lubricants won’t circulate, which can lead to corrosion. You can prevent this by spraying fogging oil into the fuel compartments to protect the moving parts. Don’t forget to add fuel stabilizer as it will protect your tank from freezing condensation and ensures that the fuel will be ready to use next time you hit the water.

Clean Your Boat

Make sure that you thoroughly clean your boat as it has probably picked up a lot of dirt and grime in recent months. Use a special marine wash and make sure you scrub with a soft-bristle brush, so you don’t end up scratching the surface. You can also provide a fresh coat of wax and polish to keep the boat looking like new.

Remember that before you start any maintenance, you should read your owner's manual. It helps to be familiar with the recommendations from the manufacturer. The manual will tell you what your model specifically needs, such as recommended products or a maintenance schedule to be followed.

We hope this information has been helpful. If you have questions regarding boat maintenance or you’d like assistance with service, visit Thayer's Marine in Norwich, CT.